So I am HORRIBLE at waking up early. If you wake me up before my alarm does, I'm a zombie who's ready for revenge! lol! However, I've seen people benefit from waking up early and going about their day. As someone who is married, goes to work full time, and college full time, getting a workout in can seem like an impossible thing to do. However, these is a certain part of the day that gives me NO excuse to not workout....MORNINGS!

Where are my fellow morning zombies?! Let's do a 1 week challenge where we get up early, head to the gym or exercise at home. I know I can't do this alone and need people who are ready to give it their all! My early is 6:00am (ugh even saying it makes me tired lol)but make it your "early", just as long as we do it! If I can train my body to workout early, I'll have the whole day ahead of me!

Who wants to take on this challenge?

Why a week? Because anymore than that and I'll scare myself into not doing it. (baby steps, baby steps). Who's in?!
Owner: finayounLeaders: finayounCreated on December 19, 201615 membersPrivacy: Public



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