Getting Tiny Challenge (1/1/17-4/1/17) (FB)

This group is for MFP users in the Justin Ellis's Getting Tiny Challenge on Facebook for January through March. There are 133 of us in the FB group! Here are the rules from the pinned post, we'll keep them the same here -
Rules for Challenge
Please remember I'm not a professional and I do make mistakes. Also if anyone sees or has any other ideas before challenge starts please post below.
1.) No promotion of any product or sales.
2.) All first weigh-ins due by January 1 at 6 pm central time. First weigh ins can be done on either Saturday December 31 or January 1 as long as done by deadline.
3.) On first weigh-in each participant must have a front, and side pictures of themselves. Face in pictures.must show.
4.) All scales used must be digital. Same scale must be used for all weigh-ins. One exception is dial scales will be accepted with video of weigh in. Scale must show zero to start on dial scale video.
5.) Weekly weigh-in can be done on either Saturday or Sunday. Weekly weigh ins have to be done by the Sunday of the weekend at 6pm central time. Weekly weigh ins require picture of scale.
6.) We are all here for the same reason. Do not make fun of or run down any participant.
7.) The number of people eliminated each week will be determined by number of participants. The participants with lowest percentage will be eliminated. The very last weigh in will have 10 participants and the one with the most weight loss percentage is the winner.
8.) I will use Microsoft Office excel to calculate results.
9.) Please submit with first weigh in a small paragraph about yourself and where you are from.
10.) The last weigh in will be April 1 or 2nd but needs to be in by 6 pm central time April 2 2017.
11.) In event of a tie. The person whos name appears on list first will be eliminated first on first week.
The rest of competition will then go to overall percentage of entire challenge and if thats a tie we will eliminate the first one on list.
12.) Please remember eliminated does not mean you're eliminated from group. This means you are eliminated from winning the challenge.
13.) If at anytime during this weightloss challenge your health/medical condition changes please consult with a physician or medical professional.
Remember this is all for fun and to give us some motivation. Feel free to work together. Post positive things.
I will keep track of pounds lost for entire challenge team also.
Good luck!!

Owner: BaruchudaLeaders: BaruchudaCreated on January 2, 201722 membersPrivacy: Public



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