MyNetDiary group and feed is now accessible thru the web version.
Just in case anyone is checking. MyNetDiary does now has the feed/groups on the web version so those of you that don't have app access can join us on MND. Look for the CC-MFP group. I'm still eturtlet over there!
Migrating to MyNetDiary (APP not PC)
Hi all, As many of you have probably heard the MFP newsfeed is going away sometime this month, so a lot of us are working on getting ourselves to another platform. Many of us have moved over to MyNetDiary (the mobile app, not the PC version)- it's really really friendly and positive, and it has a "community" feature that's…
MFP Newsfeed is gone …. Update
Hello if you have found this you will know the newsfeed has disappeared for most of us and members who have inquired have been told it’s been removed . Most of us not notified . A lot of us have moved to ‘MY NET DIARY’ app . Some doing the free some doing the paid . It’s very similiar of our old CC plus this . I will stay…
Hello is there anybody in there. Just nod if you can hear me…
My Net Diary- new leaders
I have added several leader in case we need to make adjustments to this group had a lot before but noticed that option had disappeared . I am here but also MND same name same Photo - leave no one behind! MWAH 💋
Adding Leaders
Hi- I have added 20 leaders to this page , if you are added as a leader and don't wish to be , please add another member and remove yourself as a leader. Mwah
It’s been a while
Thanks, momopeach, for cluing me into this calorie count community! My life has been a circus for the past couple of years but would hate to lose touch with all of you!
Anyone still here?
I've checked here on the Calorie Count People community page several times, but it looks like people have stopped posting on here. Is there anyone still around?
June Chat Thread, Anyone?
Hello!! With so many of us wandering over here, I thought it might be nice to have a single thread to get the conversation going while the leaders decide how to manage things.
Hi everyone! So glad I found you all! I don’t want to lose this group!
I know some of you have joined MND, thought we could post our names over there so that we can all connect easier if we move over. As usual, I'm Poisonesse.
I'm in another group, too, and it's a little easier to navigate. What they've done is, the group leader set up threads. One is chit chat, one is food, one is exercise, etc. That way, we don't have to scroll through a ton of threads just to find what our friends are up to, we can do it all in one thread, Chit Chat. Want to…
News feed is going away
This seems to be more private than other one but I shall leave it up to what is easier for everyone
No News Feed
Guys, they're going to kill the news feed on MFP. That means that we're all going to have a terrible time trying to stay in touch, and it's going to take a LOT more time. I've already seen some of my buddies looking for new homes (one is going to Fat Secret). Are we going to stay here? Or is everyone going to look for…
Weight on May 31
227.2 lbs. or 103.1 kgs