Looking for holistically minded friends
This group looks like a real gem! I'm new to the site...signed up yesterday...and am looking for friends. :) I'm 36 years old, in Nova Scotia, Canada, and am in school full time working on a diploma in holistic nutrition. I am also an aromatherpist, have my reiki 1, (hubby is a reiki master/teacher) love to garden, make…
Visualization and manifesting a healthy body
Some years ago, while playing with the idea of manifesting desires directly into my reality, I started the "mass hypnosis diet". I didn't change my eating habits, but I regularly affirmed that people were coming up to me and remarking about how great I look now that I've lost some weight. Sure enough, it started happening…
I am New
Hello, I am new to myfitnesspal and am looking for like minded people to support me in my fitness goals. I seem to have my mental, emotional, and spiritual self in order, but struggle with my physical. So here I am starting my journey Today :) Want to learn more about me, check out my website at…
Hi everyone, new to mfp
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself since I just joined the group. My name is Pattie. I am a teacher, Reiki Practitioner and aspiring Life Coach. I just recently joined mfp and I was just looking around the sight when I noticed the groups tab. I put in law of attraction into the search button just to see if there was…
For Reiki Practitioners
I printed several copies of this article to hand out a reiki 1 attunements. Although it cannot be defined HOW or WHY it works, reiki is proven to help with Pain, speed healing, reduce stress etc. http://savvyexaminer.com/health-trends/reiki-really-works-a-groundbreaking-scientific-study/ As a reiki practitioner sometimes…
Something was wrong when doing reiki yesterday
Good Day, I just joined this group, because I really have no one else to talk to and something has been bugging me. Here it goes; Yesterday I wanted to give myself reiki (I'm second level). I cleaned the energy in my spare bedroom that has recently been occupied by my friends, I even did a quick smudge. While I started my…
My name is Chris, and I've been on mfp for a while, but I usually use it on my phone. I had no idea there was a support community, and especially, a group like this! I am a Reiki Master and and ThetaHealing practicioner. Two years ago I went on a fitness journey and lost almost 70 pounds. Then I discovered that my husband…
Hi everyone I am just starting out on this site. I am 37 year old mother of 3 teen boys. I recently learned I have diabetes type two. So I am am attempting to hit a major plan too lose. In August I plan to return to nursing school. I need some encouragement but I'm sure now is my time and I'm determined to do this so…
Sending Healing to mankind
With all of the negative news this week it's important as Healers that we take some responsibility to send healing and flood the problems with light. Negativity can build and enhance with more energy that it is given. (ie the news, fear etc) Lets flood the situations with light & visualize a peaceful oneness for mankind.
"Tap Out" Your Cortices
http://www.bodytalksystem.com/learn/access/cortices.cfm It's a wonderful way to balance your brain and relieve stress. Enjoy :)