2017 Weight Loss Support, and Motivational Group

Hello! Welcome to my 2017 Weight Loss Support and Motivational Group for anyone who needs the encouragement to get going or either keep going as you work towards your goals that you have set for yourself. I have been trying to lose weight for many years and I can never seem to finish what I start and this will be the year that I make it happen. I have put what goals I'm working on below for short term goals and my long term goals for 2017.

Short Term Goals
Current Weight: 227
Goal One: getting down to 200 pounds by April 2017
Goal Two: Making Good Food Choices

Long Term Goals
Goal Three: Getting down to 180 by July 2017
Goal Four: Getting down to 160 September 2017

Final Goal for 2017
Goal Five: Getting down to 145 by end of 2017

These would be huge goals for me to meet and I know I can do this just need to stay focused and make sure I don't cheat and always making sure I log everyday.

Please feel free to post what information you want to share with this group and we can all support each other, I also have Snap Chat if you would like to chat that way as well.
Owner: Missionmom17Leaders: Missionmom17Created on January 24, 201721 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
