Just checking in with everyone

Hey guys sorry I haven't checked in I've been very busy with work and my son who's a junior in high school and I've had to get a second job but it's ok I need the extra money


  • Shermine2017
    Shermine2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, i am on that journey as well and looking forward to achieving my goal this year. i look forward for the support from everyone as i do the same. looking for an amazing online support among us.
  • tamnic812
    tamnic812 Posts: 5 Member
    Progress is slow but steady losing inches but highly motivated
  • leej0422
    leej0422 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! So far, everything is going well. I'm hitting each of my goals, while allowing myself to indulge once in a while. I will post progress pictures soon