E.A.T. to LOSE!!! (Encouragement, Accountability, Tips)

A group to report to once a week with how much weight you've lost or gained, get encouragement and helpful tips from other members, and just talk about whatever is going on that is helping or hurting us on our journey to our goal weights and good health. Research shows that people lose weight faster and keep it off when they are accountable to others--you can think before you eat those cupcakes, "Do I really want this? It'll give me a bad report this week. Better not, I want those good numbers and I don't want to disappoint anyone." We can have weekly or monthly "Biggest Loser" awards or whatever else we come up with. Everyone is welcome, just keep it all positive and helpful, we want to build each other up, no tearing down.
Owner: jbells93Leaders: jbells93Created on February 8, 201730 membersPrivacy: Public



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Aw snap, no events are coming up.
