Digestive Disorders Weight Gain Maintain

This is for anyone with gastroparesis, GERD, IBS, paralysis, Dysphagia, IBS, Chrohn's or any other condition that makes it difficult to take in enough calories, nutrients, and water to either gain or maintain a healthy weight. It is geared toward people who are still eating some combination of table, thick honey, puree, fine dice type foods even if they are (like me) fighting insurance companies to get the 3 cans of ensure covered.

Those on j and g tube are welcome, as things you remember from oral nutrition and things that were your signs it was time to stop oral food can be helpful to those of us (like me) who ...well, aren't candidates for a stomach pacemaker and over time are not going to get better.

Remember, there are thounds of different digestive disorders, medical conditions that cause medical anorexia, economic conditions that cause malnutrition and poverty related anorexia here in the USA. Anorexia Nervosa is a real psychiatric disease, and it and others like it may find weight gain help here, although there is I believe separate groups for them.

Don't ever take a suggestion here as perfect for you. Take the info to your GI doctor and your nutritionist FIRST!

Last, professionals, welcome to the group. Every post, list your credtials and what hospital system or practice you are with, City and State, province, etc and country, especially if citing government guidelines!

I am a #spoonie with multiple disabilities. I will check on things as often as I can, and gladly hand over moderating as we grow...

Take care,
Owner: eckelsburrowsLeaders: eckelsburrowsCreated on March 5, 201714 membersPrivacy: Public



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