Zone Diet & MACRO Counters

The Zone Program is a diet that seeks to balance each meal by monitoring consumption of carbs, fat (healthy), and protein and portioning these into "blocks" for each snack and meal. You use the calculator to determine your proper number of blocks per day at and follow a few key rules.
  • Never go longer than 4 hours without eating (YAY!)
  • Eat ALL of your blocks- if your sick or have to slack- never eat less than 8 in one day
  • You MUST eat within 30 minutes to hour of waking (YAY!)
  • You MUST eat a bednight snack (YAY!)
  • Food journaling is the key to success
  • 1 block of protein is 7g
  • 1 block of carbs is 9g
  • 1 block of fat is 3g
  • Eat no more than 4 blocks per sitting
Zone block guide for food listing:
Owner: sdecondaLeaders: sdecondaCreated on June 7, 201726 membersPrivacy: Public


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