Hi to our newest members
G'day to everyone new, Please don't be shy. Say hello and add a little about you in the introduction thread. Feel free to join in on any of:* the latest monthly challenge threads or * other challenge threads as they occur, and * if you have any particular challenges that you'd like to make to the rest of us, again, please…
Kick off and (Re)Introduce Yourself
Perhaps a cut and paste from the previous group, or maybe you've had some good successes and it is time to start this chapter with a fresh introduction of where you are now in your journey and any targets you are shooting for in the coming months.
Hi I've joined the group from Weight Watchers since the introduction of their smart points I've been gaining and losing the same couple of lbs again and again. Having chatted to a friend we think it's because at lot of vegan things nuts avocados are high in ww smart points - I don't eat a lot of beans as they just do not…
August Mini Challenge
My personal challenge to me: IF I can get back to losing 0.1 kg a day, I should be able to finally get to a normal BMI in August! (On the 19th if I can do it every day). To take a little bit of pressure off, I'll set my target to be "Normal BMI" by the END of August.
July Mini Challenge?
I know the month has already started, but it turns out my move is being postponed until August... So time to stop maintenance and get back on track! Anyone else up for one?
June Mini Challenge
When / if you join this group and want to start the first challenge, it's to shrink by 0.1kgs a day (on average). Obviously, depending on when you join in, the target loss is a different number, so I have done the number crunching for you: Whatever today's date is when you start the challenge, the kgs/lbs number at that…
I guess this might as well be deleted again?
If no one is going to join us, do the folk that are already here feel it warrants keeping this group to just our few selves? If someone specifically wants the group to stay, please say so...... I'll delete it in early July unless we suddenly get a bunch more folk joining in, and/or one of you putting your hand up to keep…
July Mini Challenge Suggestions?
Anyone want to pose some possibilities for us to chase for the coming month?