Month 2 coming up!
Hello everyone! Hope you all are continuing to work hard on your nutrition goals! We will be starting month 2 portion in 11 days. I am looking forward to that week of great classes and outings that we will be doing! How are your nutrition goals coming along?
Great things about My fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal gives you the ability to link multiple apps together that you may have been using individually and combines then together. Such as steps from Samsung health or from fitbit devies and smart scales.
Week 1
One week ago we began the CSFP class, how is everyone's week going? I've been on vacation with family in DC and Ocean City. It's been a great, much needed week! Enjoy time with your family!
While we are gone
What are some things I can do to remain on track while we are gone until next month?
The Musclewiki: Workout guides by muscle groups
I just remembered about a site I bookmarked a while ago: It's a visual guide on what excersizes target what muscle groups. It's really useful and also has some videos on proper form for the workout. It also has guides on stretches for specific muscles. I highly recommend it as it's really easy to use and…
Hey everyone! Now that we have learned a bit about nutrition and exercising, are there still some questions that you have? Ask any question here and we can work towards the answer as a group!