Lose 5lbs + before the end of the month
Let's do this! Just type out and post your weight progress on a day of your choice and come back each week (or as often as you like, really) and update. If you are new to this challenge then bookmark the page by highlighting the little star at the top right hand side of the screen (next to the title), so you won’t have to…
Emotional Eating
How to Recognize and Stop Emotional and Stress Eating It’s the reason why so many diets fail: We don’t always eat just to satisfy hunger. Many of us also turn to food to relieve stress or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, loneliness, or boredom. And after eating, we feel even worse. Not only does the original…
First challenge today
OK, girls, since we are all logged in here, let's do this! ;) This afternoon, I am suggesting that we all do at least a 30-minutes workout session. It can be anything: walking, training, jogging, taking the stairs, cleaning the house, crunches, jumping jacks, etc. :D Don't forget to eat a healthy dinner - proteins, veggies…