Only 4 Weeks!

Hi ladies! In this group, make sure you weigh Monday morning, August 13th, and record it on the app. Make it invisible if you’d like. We will only see if you’ve lost or gained. For this challenge, record your food and exercise every day! Only record your weight on Mondays. (You can weigh yourself as often as you’d like, but only record each Monday’s number). It will be hard, but I think it will motivate us to keep on track on the weekends! I don’t think Fitbit accurately syncs with this app. It says that you’re burning more calories than you really are. I figured this out last year.😂😩 Set your own goals on the app, but please share your goals in this group. Also share your struggles and your accomplishments! If I think of anything else, I’ll add it later. Thanks for doing this with me!!
Owner: Allison13076Leaders: Allison13076Created on August 12, 20189 membersPrivacy: Public



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