Important stuff will go here one day.
Hello everyone! I've created this special space for all us Islanders to communiate and share, swap ideas of what's working for each person. I don't see too much traffic on here and I'm saddened by what we can all be missing out on. We have 21 members up to date and nothing's really being discussed. Just wanted to see where…
Welcome! Introduction
Welcome to MFP Polynesians, People of the Pacific. Introduce yourself, where you hail from, what you're on MFP for, what your goals are, what you have achieved up to date, and anything else that comes to mind. Don't be a stranger - enjoy and embrace your journey :) "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and…
Food: everything related to food. Tips, recipes, more 50 SNACKS UNDER 50 calories! Satisfy your sweet tooth 1. 1⁄2 medium apple, baked, topped with 1 Tbsp lowfat yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon (45 calories) 2. 1⁄2 small banana, frozen (45 calories) 3. 4 oz unsweetened applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon (49…
Exercise Tips Arm Toning Exercises Without Weights Arm circles: This exercise targets your triceps, biceps and shoulders. While standing straight with your feet flat on the ground and arms extended out to the side at a 90-degree angle to your body, start moving your arms…
Motivational and Inspiring
Copied and pasted from Neila Rey's Google + page (and copied again from tikimatt) Healthy living doesn’t start on Monday. It’s not about committing to it and never looking back – that’s simply non-maintainable. How long can you stay on a strict diet and go on with a heavy exercise regime? a week, two weeks? Then you break…
1200 A day - stories of why you shouldn't go there
Taken from post: This guy Pu_239 did a research of all the posts of people doing 1200 calories a day diet who stalled out and couldn't lose weight. Something to think about people!…
Groceries on a budget !
This won't work for most people but if you're finding it hard to eat healthy on a budget, think again. Although I don't use most on the list created here, it's a good example of how one can get by a week on so little. My staples are: eggs, oatmeal, tuna fish cans, sardines, potatoes, milk - which can always be found cheap.…
How to post photos for those fabulous after pics ;-)
This is a forum I found about posting pics on here. We are all sometime going to need to post our "after" pictures so here's a great easy guide on how to do it. Please click on the link!
Hello everyone!! For a brand new group we're getting along great! I think I need to put the word out there a little more for others to find us. So I'm always looking for moderators who can help me keep an eye out on the group, help with starting conversations to get everyone motivated and interactive, welcome new members…