Important stuff will go here one day.
2nd Qtr Biggest Losers - 6th Bi-Weekly Winners
RESULTS 2ND QTR BIGGEST LOSERS FOR OUR 6TH BI-WEEKLY WEIGH-IN. This week’s 3rd Place Loser is fitnessbrie aka Sabrina Boyles, losing 1.56% of her body weight. The runner up is lindaisa10 aka Linda Rivet, losing 2.13% of her body weight. The final Bi-Weekly Winner is WinsBerryLady aka Barbara Winsberry, having lost 3.03% of…
2nd Qtr Biggest Losers - 3rd Bi-Weekly Winners
CONGRATULATIONS 2ND QTR BIGGEST LOSERS FOR OUR 3RD BI-WEEKLY WEIGH-IN. Remember: Giving Up Is Not An Option! As a group, we did not so well over the last two weeks. Only 3 of us actually lost any weight. Our combined weight shows that we gained 1.40 lbs. And now…The three losers are as follows: 3RD PLACE LOSER IS…
2nd Qtr Biggest Losers - 2nd Bi-Weekly Winners
CONGRATULATIONS 2ND QTR BIGGEST LOSERS FOR OUR 2ND BI-WEEKLY WEIGH-IN. As a group, our combined weight loss for this two-week period is 7.40 lbs. And now for the winners: 3RD PLACE LOSER IS Greg LaGrange who lost 1.14% of his body weight. 2ND PLACE LOSER IS fitnessbrie aka Sabrina Boyles lost 1.22% of her body weight. 1st…
BIGGEST LOSER COMPETITION: 04/16/2013 THRU 07/09/2013 RULES In our last competition we used myfitnesspal as a tool to help monitor us along the way. Hope you will sign up too. • Just go to and create your free account with a login and password. • Fill out as little or as much information as you choose…