BSA Men's Weight-loss Challenge

Welcome to the BSA Men's Weightloss Challenge!

The challenge is 45 days & will begin on Monday April 20th to Thursday June 4th.

On Monday April 20th we will all post our beginning weight on Myfitnesspal.

We will continue to post our weight every Monday except for June 1st as we will log our final weight on Thursday June 4th.

The person with the greatest percentage loss of body fat at the end of the 45 days will be our winner and will receive a $50 gift card of their choice.

Why join the Challenge?
1) The goal for us men is to continue to strive to stay healthy and fit especially during a season where its easy to add the pounds during the Coronavirus epidemic.
2) With Myfitnesspal we can all see each others progress and help encourage one another by seeing what we are eating and how we are exercising.
3) 1 Thess. 5:11 says "To encourage one another & build each other up!"Yes we are competing for the prize but we are in this together and the struggle is real especially when it comes to staying healthy. So we will build one another up and help a brother out.
Owner: gatrmanLeaders: gatrmanCreated on April 13, 202023 membersPrivacy: Public



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