Anyone Due around April / May 2021?
Want to share journey and healthy food
27 weeks and overweight
I'm 27 weeks and I started out pre-pregnency overweight and I haven't gotten my eating under control since I got pregnant. My doctor told me if my BMI is too high then I can deliver at the local hospital, I'll have to go to one an hour away. I really don't want that. Right now my BMI is almost as high as it's allowed to be…
How are you feeling?
Today I'm 5 weeks, 4 days. And this morning was just the worst in terms of nausea, so far. I jumped out of bed like everything was normal. I noticed I was a little nauseous, considered eating a couple of crackers but decided to ignore it and just push through, because I wanted to tend to the chickens first. The chicks are…
Hi! This is my 3rd pregnancy. By my calculations I'm due December 26,2020. I gained 50-60 pounds in my previous pregnancies and would like to keep it about 40 pounds this time with healthy eating and exercise.