Goal Setting
Identify 3 SMART goals that you would like to achieve! These goals can be related to performance, behavior, or body composition. S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Relevant T-Time bound Keeping in mind the SMART method for developing goals: 1) Identify 2 short-term goals (within 30 days) i.e.- I want to lose 5 pounds…
2 block fruit salad breakfast
This morning when I logged in the suggested 2block fruit salad breakfast recipe the total fat does not reach 5g. Do I incorporate more almonds to meet the 5g fat or just eat as recommended in the recipe. Thank you!! Julia
Nutrition Challenge Lessons 2014
1. Write the most significant thing that you have learned about food and how this has changed the way that you eat or perceive food I have learned a lot during both nutrition challenges I completed this year. The first time around I was shocked to see how much sugar was in food - it was overwhelming and frustrating looking…
If Crossfit had more reasonable goals, it would be a better
Did any of you people that do Crossfit ever think about the fact that if Crossfit wasn't so extreme, it would be a lot more popular? I know you can scale anything, but the goal for most Crossfit workouts is WAY more than the average person can do, even after years of Crossfitting. So why not have more attainable goals??????
The most important thing I learned
I have a negative relationship with food. The example you posted.... We're you inside my head listening to me? It's awful. ????
Something I learned.
I learned if I prepare my food for the week and have a plan I am more successful.
Goal Setting
Identify 3 SMART goals that you would like to achieve! These goals can be related to performance, behavior, or body composition. S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Relevant T-Time bound Keeping in mind the SMART method for developing goals: 1) Identify 2 short-term goals (within 30 days) i.e.- I want to lose 5 pounds…