Harry Potter and the Summer Sweat Off ( June - Aug)

Harry Potter and the Summer Sweat off!
  1. We are keeping it super simple and fun!
  2. Sign up with the info below.
  3. We will do the best to put you in the house of your choice but the main role here is to keep it even, so you may end up in a second choice.
  4. We will weigh in on Monday of every week. For each lb lost, your house gains one point.
  5. Most points at the end of "term" wins.
  6. We start on June 1st, Monday.
  7. Then we weigh in on each monday following.
  8. Our final weigh in will be August 31st.
  9. Winner's Announced on September 1st.
  10. Now lets have some fun and may the best house win!
To Enroll:
Starting Weight:
1st House choice:
2nd House choice:
3rd House choice:

Be sure to check back here to see if you have been sorted!
Owner: The_Quail_QueenLeaders: The_Quail_QueenCreated on May 28, 20208 membersPrivacy: Public



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