Important stuff will go here one day.
Gratitude Thread Post #3 Tuesday
After a week hiatus, I’m back on track! 1) I’m thankful for a wonderful week and a half with my sister, brother-in-law, and my husband and girls. We cooked up a storm, enjoyed every bite, drank enough wine to fell a herd of horses, and enjoyed each others’ company. Now I’m back to reality. My jeans still fit me, though,…
Gratitude Thread Post #2: Monday
I am grateful: 1. Budget training went really well. The new office manager I am working with is a quick learner...yeah! 2. I have a low key week, which is very welcome after a tough stretch with Jake. I was able to pull Jake's pics off my phone and plan to make a small Shutterfly book to keep his memory alive. 3. Grateful…
Gratitude List Thread 1: Sunday
Starting from scratch, after 288 gratitude threads on Noom, we begin again. I started this gratitude list as a way to shift focus away from negativity, and have found that participating in a group that values a thankful mindset has really made a difference in my life! Today I am thankful for 1) Friends - we are traveling…
Recommended Facebook Group for Recipes Found this page with some interesting looking recipes. Healthy stuff!