Small Changes

This group is for anyone who wants support to simply make small changes where one can. I do not like the pressure of having to perform at a pro athlete level as I have some mobility issues, and I am not hardcore into eating 100% clean. I am still human and want to retain some form of curvature. If anyone else is like me, and prefers to eat a simple breakfast, salad for lunch and a normal dinner then do fun activities like aerial yoga or swimming and is also being successful in this phase of their weight loss journey, then this is the right group for you! Once we are needing to adjust ourselfs to make further gains we can make a new group for the next step if we want to stick together on the journey
Owner: kylabeauLeaders: kylabeauCreated on September 4, 20214 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
