Complex PTSD and its effect on weight

I am 55+ women nurse who has been living with Complex PTSD my whole life. I have tried everything to try to lose weight only to find out that when under that kind of stress your body hangs on to fat because its interpretation is that you are in danger. I am starting this group in order to find others who have this set of circumstances so we can support, learn and conquer this unhealthy set of symptoms and its sequela. I would like it to be a goal driven group so we can learn evidence based information on the effects to our body from being in chronic stress. I would also like this to be a support group for people who want to change their life for the better. CBT is one way to change our interpretation of threat. Anyone have similar symptoms and want to join me to explore some or all of these topics?
Owner: kateischoelzel7615Leaders: kateischoelzel7615Created on May 4, 20227 membersPrivacy: Public



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