How does Complex PTSD effect you and your physical health?

Do you struggle with symptoms of C-PTSD? How does it effect your life and your physical health?

Complex PTSD is chronic, prolonged or multiple trauma's and contains the following symptoms.
Re-experiencing symptoms- symptoms that trigger emotions and responses from the trauma
Sense of threat- symptoms to your body that reoccur involuntarily because of the perceived threat.
Avoidance Symptoms -symptoms to escape the trauma; fight or flight, disassociation, self medication to avoid the unwanted emotions.
Self Esteem concerns -People who feel they deserve to feel bad, they blame themselves.
Emotional Dysfunction -inability to control ones emotions such as anger or overwhelming sadness.They may feel like they are watching their lives, living a dream.
Relationship issues - You have problems trusting others or you do things without regard to self such as staying in an abusive relationship because it is familiar to you.
This information is only included as a symptom guide to understand C-PTSD to finding common and accurate information.

(Web MD, 2021)


  • kateischoelzel7615
    kateischoelzel7615 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been on this journey for about 5 years now. I finally am at a point where I am trying to lose weight. I’ve been told that due fight or flight our bodies are holding on to fat and it’s near impossible to lose weight. Does anyone else have this same problem? How have you overcome it?
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I left a reply but it's gone. Does it need to be approved before it shows up? This is just a test to see if this one disappears too.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I have recovered from depression, PTSD, and a full mental breakdown. I am now a a Peer Support Specialist helping others find their recovery.

    I used EMDR therapy as part of my recovery. I was not allowed to be hungry ever. Even the slightest hunger pains that told me to make lunch created the same hormone my EMDR therapy was trying to regulate. Therefore being hungry set back my recovery. I eat pretty well in general but I still gained weight. Additionally between the pandemic and a few physical injuries I became less active shortly after my recovery so now I weigh more than I ever have in my life. I am now focusing on losing weight but it is centering on my continued self-care rather than deprivation.

    My life's goal is to eradicate the societal stigma of shame that surrounds mental illnesses and prevents people who are suffering with mental illnesses from seeking the help they need to recover. If you ever need help or support on your recovery from PTSD or your pursuit of losing weight please let me know.