Performance Athletics

A group for dancers, gymnasts, aspiring students, and others.

Performing arts athletics aren't really like weight lifting and running because you don't necessarily have the same numerical goals.

I wanted to start a group to keep artists/athletes motivated in ways more tailored to relevant goals.

(Yes you are welcome as a male, female, trans, etc. You are welcome if you are waiting until your goal weight before enrolling for a community-center dance class. I realize the colors might look girly, they were just better than the alternatives, and you don't have to wait to your goal weight for anything, but are free to do what makes you comfortable. )
Owner: CountandsubtractLeaders: CountandsubtractCreated on July 1, 20223 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
