Exercise spreadsheet
Please join in if you would like to get involved, this idea was suggested to me by a MFP user who had done this before. Simply enter your MFP name, the goal amount of calories that you would like to burn each week into the spreadsheet, and at the end of each week (there are 10 weeks) enter the total amount of calories that…
Weigh Ins
I have created an online spreadsheet where you can enter you name or MFP name, current weight and goal weight. There are sections where each week you can weigh in (there are 10 weigh ins in total). Good luck to all. xx
Opinions wanted on exercise spreadsheet!!
Another MFP user made a suggestion to me that I also made a spreadsheet for how many calories you have burned with exercise? For it to fit in spreadsheet it would have to a be a weekly total. Is this something you guys would find motivational? If so I shall make one tonight! xx
Reminder for Everyone
Hi guys sorry iv not been on much. I suffer from Dystonia which is a neurological condition and iv had a lot of bad days recently. Just want to remind you all that you if taking part in either of the spreadsheet challenges then to please remember to log in this weeks result either today or tomorrow. xx
Whats your fav exercise/diet
Thought I would start a discussion on everyone's favourite exercise and diet/diet tips, as you never know it could help others! My favourite is using my exercise bike as if I stick 8 out of 10 cats on then I can easily cycle for half an hour and the time flys by so quickly and I enjoy doing it. My fav diet tip is boiled…
Hey guys, Just a quick reminder that people taking part in the exercise and weigh in spreadsheets, if they have not already done so, need to log there weight and exercise for this week xx
What keeps you motivated?
I'm intrested to hear what keeps you guys motivated? For me its knowing that my personal trainer will expect me to have lost another 1lb by the time i next seem him. I also find working out whilst watching 8 out of 10 cats keeps my mind off how long iv actually been working out for and i end up doing longer than I…
REMINDER - ALL weigh spreadsheet loggers must read
Today is the last day of the first week so if you did not log in your weight to the spreadsheet on your weigh day then please do so today!! Many of you havn't done so yet - for those who have not done so by tomorrow i shall send out emails reminding you to do so xx
Log your exercise today!
Hi guys, Remember if you are taking part in the exercise challenge spread sheet to log in your total today. My total is no where no where near what it should be due to bad health
When do you log your fitness?
Hello all. Quick question, when do you all log your exercise that you've done?... Do you log it stright after (or as soon as you can get on to log it) or do you log it at the end of the day? When is it best to? I tend to log at the end of the day once I have eaten everything for the day, so I don't depend on those calories…
Here are you buddys
Hi guys, here are you buddy suggestions, I have tried to match people on there current weight and goals. However some people have not entered there weight onto the spreadsheet so I have paired them with people who I could not find a close match for (your weights will most likely be different but the idea of the buddy…
Introduce Yourself.
Please introduce yourself here, tell everyone a bit about yourself and what you weight goal your aiming for at the end of July, and any mini goals you have along the way. Im Rebecca. I am 20 years old, and live in the UK. I suffer from a neurological condition that affects my mobility but I still try my best to work out a…
'Buddy system'
Alot of people finding someone encouraging them with the progress motivating. So what I'd like to do is make a buddy system. All you need to talk is comment on a post or two of theirs when you log on and maybe have a chat via email to get to know each others goals. If you up for this please leave you name below - x