Plant Based Pals - Support and Motivation

This group is for anyone who wants some motivation and support! (Vegan, vegetarian, something else!) I've been on a plant based journey and a weight loss journey and would love to meet and chat with some like-minded folks.

Let's keep each other company, share recipes, share our experiences, and keep in touch :) Let's face it - life is hard and we all need someone to share it with.

If you're interested, drop a line or send a request!

Note: this group is all about positivity. No food shaming, negative comments, or any kind of negativity will be shared! We all have our own journey, this is a positive space!
Owner: momopeach32Leaders: momopeach32Created on December 18, 202215 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
