Important stuff will go here one day.
Wanting to start a water fast!
Hey guys i've never done a water fast before but i really want to, to lose weight. If I go on a water fast then go back to eating like i do now, would i gain back all the weight i lost? i already drink a lot of water (about 3 liters a day) if i did a water fast would i have to drink more? how long should the water fast…
Just finished a 6-day water fast and starting a 14-day one!
I lost about 11 lbs in my 6-day fast and am hoping to maybe reach 20 on my 14-day fast. I feel so good after fasting! So I would love encouragement, accountability partners, fasting buddies, anything? Any tips on keeping yourself away from temptation?
Water Fasting: Discussion and Support
Hi. I'm on day 4 of 7 of my water fast. I woke up today with a really strong sense of emptiness that was more so emotional than physical. I'll admit, I did this first to lose weight but know it's for religious purposes. Who can relate? Any advice? What's your experience?
how to come off fast?
I'm on about hour 47 of 5 day fast - water and black coffee. I took a multi-vitamin this am, is that ok? I'm planning on stopping fast Friday lunch. I don't want to "pig out" on Fri, but is there a recommended food or amount to come off the fast with? Thanks.
Is this group still active? Anybody still water fasting? I need some people to Start with, who's ih
I need a water fast buddy, who's in for a challenge?
some problems while fasting
I'm on my 3rd day of water fasting. Day 1 was fine and I only noticed mental hunger. On day 2 and part of day 3 I've experienced some pretty bad acid reflux. I havnt had this since I was little. I read a couple things about what it was but nothing really straightforward. Anyone know why? I don't have it now. Today I'm…
Day two of liquid only fast
I know most people who water fast only actually drink water, but for me I've catered my fast to coffee, water, cucumber lemon water and broth. Do you think this will be effective?
water fast day 1
Hey guys and girls, I'm 25 hours into my water fast, feeling great, did my Insanity workout today also, was day 1 of month 2. Thinking maybe do a 3 day water fast, not many people on MFP agree with the fasting thing, they're kind of fixated on food, telling them to give up for a short time is something they don't agree…
My Last Meal (Day 2)
Since Sunday@9pm I've lost 5.1lbs on this water only fast. I started at 176lbs and now I'm 170.9lbs. I'm 5'2 and I've lost over an inch on my waist already. My goal is a 7 day fast and a 16lb weight loss. Currently my goal is a gallon/day. Wish me luck! P.S. Check out my blog for daily updates and results!