July Challenge?
I'm BAAACKKK!!! Those of you who don't remember me, I started this group in May of 2013 and left it to Johng1973 as I had a lot going on in my life, and then found out I was pregnant and wasn't concentrating on losing weight at the time. I later had my little monster who is now 2 1/2 years old !!?? (where did the time…
Are we going to go for May?
I can't find a page to track my weigh in this week. :/
February 2015
@johng1973 I started a thread for this month to chat because I always have trouble finding where we are. Hope that's ok? After being back to good eating for a month, when I woke up this morning I rolled over and didn't feel the same familiar roll of tummy fat rolling over with me! It is sooo hard to get started on a diet,…
WEEK 2 RESULTS: How to lose 100 lbs. in Two Weeks?
Be accountable for what you do with your calories…that’s it! Know how much you take in and know how much you expend. That’s what we’re all doing and it looks like it’s working because with a little over 3 weeks into January we have collectively lost over 100 lbs! Everyone should give themselves a little pat on the back.…
FINAL RESULTS! Congratulations to jpulley03!!! Winner of the 30 Day Closer to a NEW YOU, January
With a whopping 21.6 lbs, @jpulley03 not only led in the pounds lost but even the more coveted percentage loss by losing 8.2% of his initial bodyweight. This is remarkable and definitely inspiring for us all. Want to know a little more about his progress, friend him and ask! He is serious about his weight loss as he even…
WEEK 1 RESULTS: We’re missing a 15-ft canoe!!
Congrats everyone for checking in this past Friday to log your progress! Collectively we lost 38 lbs. between 23 people. This is equivalent to losing: • A 15 ft canoe • Or a 3 year old toddler • Or 5 gallons of water This also equates to an average of 1.5 lbs. lost per person. Great job everyone. Looking at everyone’s log,…
New Year 2015!!
So who is all for getting the spreadsheet going again?
Are you we still going on?
I am absolutely STUNNED! After being the founder of this group "OVER A YEAR AGO", I come back to find that it is still going!?!! I am so happy that I at least got others motivated. As for me, I have been up and down, up and down, down, down.... And I started yet again going in the wrong direction! Things start going…
Summer is upon us!
We still going on!!