Hi Everyone, I’m not sure how busy this group is, but I’d love some company. I’m 53 years old and was just told I have prediabetes at my annual checkup. Other than being embarrassed, I’d really like to not be that person who does nothing about it and next year is told she’s diabetic! I just ordered a book about it and…
Hello, I’m looking for help/ideas to help me start my new journey. Unfortunately I like sugar and pre-packaged meals. I’m 56 and need to get healthy. I would love help with meal planning etc. TYIA
Hello everyone - just above 50 and recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic but on the high side. Drs prescribed metformin and I began to cut on high sugar/ high carb foods to prioritize high protein and high fiber foods but… My appetite is now so low that I have to force myself to meet minimum requirements. Anyone else…
I went in with some questions to the DR. about my health. She ran the tests and something called D-Dimer came back way very the limit. So off to the ER and after several tests and much prayers i can report it was only low potassium. Easy fix a banana a day! So happy to report I still have time to loose the weight and be…