Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone out there?
Just wondering if anyone still checks this... I just recently have been tracking my steps and have been trying to get more each day ... How are you guys doing with this on a regular basis?
10,000 steps a day
Monday-15,802 Tuesday14,866 Wednesday-11,316
Marathon training
So, I am training for the Rock 'N Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 3rd.....I have not been counting my steps at all!!! I have been so busy getting this chili cook off up and running!! I need to get back into a routine!!!! Help!!!!
I have to apologize to everyone. As the creator of this group I feel I should be checking in more. I have been so busy! I am training for my first half marathon after recovering...well I am still recovering and learning to deal with an autonomic disorder. Oh and, husband, work. You know, all the regular stuff.…
I was happy to find a group of step-counters. :) My dad gave me a pedometer for Christmas as he's been very supportive about my efforts at fitness and weight loss. I haven't built up to 10,000 steps yet, but I've only been counting my steps for a couple weeks, and last week I had the flu. I'm hoping to get back on track…
New record!!
Yesterday I spent the day with my daughter and her fifth grade class out in the Lake Wissota State Park cross country skiing! I got in over 12k steps!!!!! 12023 to be exact! I think a challenge is in the makings!! Who is going to beat me???
cool walking log
I just downloaded a walking log for Excel from this site: They have some other good resources for tracking steps, miles, etc. I am pretty miserable with Excel, so this log is great as it totals everything up for each month and for the entire year. Mandy
Yesterday was a milestone day for me! I walked 3 miles, played basketball with my husband, did 2 miles on the stationery bike and did an hour of yoga! I haven't done that much since I was put in ICU last March! I racked up 11k + steps for the day! I didn't do anything today tho....I woke up during the night with a horrible…
This week
Hi, I have been bad posting daily, so here has been my week... 12-29: 5297 12-28: 8726 12-27: 89312 We have been swamped at work and I have gotten stuck on the super long Surgeries, so a lot of standing in 1 place for hours on end...
Winter walking!
How are you all doing walking in cold weather? I prefer walking outside but it is not always possible in Wisconsin weather.....we don't have much snow right now but the cold makes it a bit difficult. I suppose I should hit the track at the YMCA but that is booorrrriiinnnngggg......