Marathon training

follownocrowd Posts: 59 Member
So, I am training for the Rock 'N Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 3rd.....I have not been counting my steps at all!!! I have been so busy getting this chili cook off up and running!! I need to get back into a routine!!!! Help!!!!


  • mpoet
    mpoet Posts: 7
    Hey, good luck! :) What are you doing to train? Seems like that would count for plenty of steps!

    I have not been using my pedometer, either, but instead am aiming for 20-30 min of walking each day.
  • marciabwls
    marciabwls Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I love my pedometer. first thing I put on as soon as I get out of bed, last thing I take off..hehe I have gotten My Mom that is 85,& several friends wearing them now..It is my motivator... I have found that if I do my walking first thing in the morning is best for me.... I'm here to help anytime...marciabwls