Nutritarian Recipes
I love the nutritarian eating plan. But I need recipes! Please post anything that is good. Here is what I am eating for lunch this week and it is goooooood. I got this recipe from Quick Lentil-Kale Soup 1 cup lentils 7 cups water 4 cups (about 1 lb) chopped kale (or spinach, or Alternatively, the kale could be…
Starting a "newbie" blog series
Hi fellow nutritarians! I blog over at and wanted to share the series I just started for people just starting on this way of eating (or old-timers who need new inspiration). Hope you enjoy!
I was just diagnosed with diabetes
with a HgbA1C of 6.6. I decided to start tracking my meals again in MyFitnessPal to get my eating under control. I am on the first chapter of The End of Diabetes by Dr Joel Fuhrman. My question is about how many calories does he recommend in a day for diabetics and what percent of those calories should be carbohydrates,…
Is there a "The End of Diabetes" group here on MFP?
I'm searching for a group for Dr. Fuhrman's book "The End of Diabetes" but there doesn't seem to be a way to search for groups, just discussions. Can anyone help?
Manly Nutritarians
Hello! I finally convinced my husband to try the 6 week diet with me. I'm very grateful that he committed with me, but it also seems to be affecting him more harshly than me. For one, while I am sated with our lunch salads, he still feels hungry. We went out last weekend and bought a huge container he can take to work, and…
Rise of a plant-based diet predicted by Nobel Prize winner
Found this on a different public MFP thread, an interesting article on the possible rise of a plant-based diet... At least on this thread, I assume we can have an intelligent conversation about the article without meat-eater neuroses.
The end of diabetes/Eat to Live
I am diabetic and I am getting ready to read The end of diabetes. Does anyone know if I need to read Eat to Live first, or can I just read The end of diabetes and start from there? I really need to get started on one or the other. My A1C is really high and I am doing damage daily to my body. Thanks for the help!!!
2015 Get Healthy At Home Contest
New Year New You
It's a new year, folks! If you've fallen off the wagon, this is a great time to get back on! Do you have any New Years Resolutions??
ARTICLE: Diet High in Meat Proteins Raises Cancer Risk
"For people aged 50 to 65, a high-protein diet increased the risk of cancer fourfold, comparable to the risk associated with smoking " I belong to a bunch of fitness boards where people inhale protein powder by the 5 lb bottles they come in. And I have heard a lot of people crying about a study that came out which links…
NYTimes: Whole Foods can be marketable in small towns >Two years ago, when Whole Foods announced that it wanted to expand to 1,000 stores from a little more than 300 and open in places where it was assumed that consumers had never heard of kale and wouldn’t dream of spending…