Weigh ins: 31st - 164 2nd- 166 (raised my exercise so this is mostly water etc in the muscles) 9th- 165.2 things going back to normal and in the right direction 16th-164.7 30th-163.4 Well didn't get to 5lbs for the month, lol. But I am happy anyway because it is down and I am seeing great results these past two weeks. I…
Down .5lbs for me this week =) My body is adapting well to the increase in workouts and starting to drop weight again. I really just have to be strict and make myself do my strength training during the week. I know that I will see better measurements this way, I just have to suck it up and do it Hope everyone had a good…
Weigh ins: 31st - 164 2nd- 166 (raised my exercise so this is mostly water etc in the muscles) 9th- 165.2 things going back to normal and in the right direction 16th- 30th-
Hey Everyone! Let's stay on track guys! I had a horrible weekend, but I am determined to keep on track and get some exercise in today!
Weigh ins: 31st - 146.5 2nd 9th 16th 30th I figured since the first weigh in date is today, I'll go ahead and start the thread. Good luck everyone!
Hey All! My current weight is about 136, my goal is to get down to atleast 131 by August 30th. Last year when I lost a bunch of weight and got in great shape, this is how I started! I want to feel accountable for my actions and I know that having to report back my progress, not only on my wall and in my ticker, but to your…