Thought this would be helpful to have in the group. I know all of my weight problems my entire life have been because of emotional eating and this article is where I came up with my back up plans. Hope it's helpful :) Tips to get your weight-loss efforts back on track Although negative emotions can trigger emotional…
How is everyone doing? Any accomplishments/challenges you'd like to share with the group? :)
So as we grow I thought it would be really need to have our members make a short (or lengthy if you prefer) introductory post. It's a great way to see where we are all at and where we would like to go. :) I'll go first. I'm Tin, 27 years old. I've gone from 352 pounds to 215 pounds, and my final goal is 170. I'm an amazon…
I think this group is a wonderful idea. So many of us struggle with emotional issues that can really hamper weight loss. I struggle with emotional eating daily. I shame myself every day for it which just keeps encouraging the behavior. Thank you for this group.