Allow me to quote the only line from the study that matters The truth about getting the flu shot To most medical professionals, the advantages of the flu vaccine far outweigh any risks. But other professionals feel completely the opposite. According to the Centers for Disease Control and…
and I started to think about all the chemicals that were just forcefully injected into my body and I immediately started feeling sick to my stomach and achy all over To those who think it can't make you sick, think again This season's flu vaccine was almost completely ineffective in people 65 and older, which could explain why rates of hospitalization and death have been some of the highest ever recorded for that age group, according to early… "You Want To Vaccinate My Child? No Problem, Just Sign This Form I have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won't sign is two-fold: First, they do… The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is looking at whether or not the flu vaccine is effective. Preliminary results indicate you'll get just as sick (with colds, flu, flu-like illnesses) if you got the vaccine than if you didn't. Why doesn't the vaccine work? In… New Study Exposes the "60% Effective" Flu Shot as 98.5% Useless
Yay! that this group "gets it" you have to be wholly healthy, and lets face it, these vaccines are not so safe =D glad to have made some online friends here