Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone currently doing Zumba in Central Wisconsin??
Hey, All! I'm new to the group, and just started taking Zumba classes after a hiatus. I'm taking classes at the local YWCA on Monday and Wednesday after work, and am looking for additional Zumba fun, like Zumbathons, in the Stevens Point, Wausau, Merrill/Antigo area. Thanks!
What kind of shoes do you wear to Zumba? My toes always hurt in my shoes (during Zumba but not durning other exercices). Are there special shoes for Zumba?
5K Run
Ok so I was talked into doing a 5K Run in March. First of all I am not a runner, but a 5K is 3.1 miles. I think it is doable. I have started training, just doing a light jog and I have to walk alittle but doing a 5K has always been on my mind wondering if I could possibly do it. Well I am going to try, challenge myself,…
Terry's 7 week goal....
OK..... 3" and 8 lbs. At 52 It is harder to lose the weight. I am going to try! Wish me luck!!!
7 Week Goal
So I have started a challenge at Zumba, for the 7 week session. You decide what your goal is in that period of time and possibly win a prize. So my goal is 10lbs, 4inches total, to eat fruit and veggies everyday, and to have NO refined sugars every other day. I would love for you to tell me what your goals are for the 7…