Hey all, just to kick things off, let's introduce ourselves. Feel free to write whatever you want, but since our goals and stats are available on our profile pages, I'm going to talk about other things. :) After all, none of us is *defined* by the weight we are trying to lose! I am a law student based in Massachusetts. I…
Recipe Swap
Hey everyone, I am cooking a lot more these days because it is cheaper on my wallet and calories. I have found I am cooking a lot of the same things because I don't have a huge repertoire of healthy recipes yet. And then it hit me! You guys are likely in the same boat, so let's share our favourite meal and snack recipes!
If anyone wants to be a mod, let me know.
Knowing when to STOP.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder tells me I have 20 more lbs to go, of course I know once I drop those 20 it'll tell me I have another 20. My family tells me I am just right. The body fat calipers tell me I have 17% body fat which is in the "athletic" range for my age. I finally have a healthy BMI. My coworkers tell me it's time…
One week check-ins
One week into the new year, how are things going? For me, it's been a little tough with travel woes (stuck in Minnesota!), but I've taken it as an opportunity to practice not stress-eating. I don't have a scale to weigh myself here, but hopefully I can report some positive results from my gym this week! How are the rest of…