Important stuff will go here one day.
Pieces that are safe to invest in now while losing weight?
I think it's safe for me to get a petticoat now! But I've been wondering, will JSK still look alright once they get loose? Could you use a waist tie to tighten things up after you've lost some weight, so you still have something to wear until you're ready to sell it off and invest in a smaller size?
What are your dream dresses?
Since I'm plus sized, I've only been looking at Fanplusfriend and Taobao. My dream dresses are unfortunately ones that I can no longer get in custom sizing and I'm really sad about that. My dream dresses are Castle Innocence by Fanpusfriend and Rose Bouquet by Classical Puppets. I've been also staring at several Infanta…
I have a shirring-free BTSSB jsk and I had to stuff myself in it before. I wore it the other day and was rather comfortable comparatively! It was a touch tight after eating a normal amount but I'm pleased with my progress so far! I'd love to enjoy a feast and it still be comfortable, so I'm gonna keep at it! I also want a…
What is your favorite Lolita style?
Mine is Classic because I love elegant things. Sailor and Gothic interest me as well.
Been inactive for too long. Got of track because of other projects, vacations, and visiting parents. Need some inspiration and motivation.