Important stuff will go here one day.
6/30/12 MFP NYC Gathering - RSVP
The plan is to walk around Central Park for a bit (afterall, we are all here to stay/get in shape)... then head off to dinner and drinks. Exact locations are TBD, if you have suggestions please share them. If you can make it... RSVP here :-)
Another gathering?
I know a lot of people in the group live in NYC/tri-state area... could we maybe organize something for next month?
Register here!
Please post here if you plan on attending!
Ok, this thread will contain announcements of official plans, times, locations, etc. Check back often for updates. As of right now we have the back room reserved at Whiskey Traders @ 71 W 55th St. Time to be announced. Also, plan on meeting earlier at Central Park for a walk or something (gotta do something healthy right?…
I will be getting there early afternoon so if anyone else is arriving that day and wants to meet up for drinks or sightseeing let me know and we can work out details.
Where is everyone staying?
hotel group rate? would enough people need this?
So should I look into getting a group rate at a hotel for Saturday night? Are there enough people that would need/want a room? Please post here if this is something you'd want! Also, Friday night? Saturday night? Both?
5k... and group hotel rate One of my friends sent this to me last night... it is a 5k run at Giants Stadium in NJ for Easter Seals... They actually even have group hotel rates available close to the stadium, which is just a short train ride from mid-town Manhattan. The…
Location ideas
Please post any and all location ideas here!
How was it? Sorry I missed it but want to hear how much fun I missed and want to see some pics too!