Here is the website for information about the event. Amazon local deals is offering $29 registration. Here is the link to the Amazon deal: Test your strength, stamina, and…
Phoenix customers: I am having a coffee at my home this Thursday night to help spread the word about the fitness challenge. If you are enrolled, but want some motivation and encouragement before we blast off, please come! If you would like to invite a friend who is not a current customer, but you think would like to…
In a Nutshell Overcome challenges containing heights, water, fire, darkness, and tight spaces in a run based on the U.S. military's confidence course Running is more exciting when it entails a special challenge, like making it across a muddy field or escaping a forest full of wicked children. Break away from the pack with…
There is an awesome organization here in Phoenix called Fellowship Adventures. They plan monthly hiking adventures. The next FA hike is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th, at Apache Wash, a brand new trailhead at the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve in Scottsdale. You can sign up here. And be sure to let this group know you…