Important stuff will go here one day.
First Game
I'll take the win - love Peanut - he is just amazing
New Coaching schedule
I just joined MFP and was happy to see a group for Da' Bears! I can' wait for the 2013 season to start and see what Emery and Trestman do in the upcoming draft. O-line needs help for sure. New schedule is out.....we have Baltimore at home....yikes! WE have the 16th hardest schedule this year but I can't wait to see how…
2012 Bears schedule and predictions
Good evening, my friends, and welcome to "Bill Swerski's Super Fans"! Alright, we're talking here, live from Ditka's, in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. The city of big shoulders, and home, of course, to a certain football team, which has carved out a special place in the pantheon of professional football greats. That…
2012 Season
Who else just cannot wait?!
Where do you usually watch the game?
I live in FL and rarely get Bears games televised, so about three years ago we got NFL Ticket and can watch all the Bears games at home. We figured the money (not to mention the calories) we saved on wings and beer from going to the sports bar every week made it a wash! Once in a while we do go to the local Bear's fan…
New Schedule is out
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so whos excited for the schedule. looks like a pretty easy start (except the GB game 5 days after the opener) especially seeing Luck on his first start (unless he pulls some cam newton stuff on us) but the end of the season will either push us to the SB or keep us home in my opinion what…
What did you guys think of the first round pick? at first i was surprized but the more i read about him the more i like it
How Many? / Who will? (Pre-Schedule)
1. How many touchdowns do you think Cutler will throw? 2. How many touchdowns do you think Brandon Marshall with catch? 3. How many wins/losses will the Bears have? 4. How many rushing touchdowns will Matt Forte have? 5. How many rushing touchdowns will Michael Bush have? 6. How many touchdown returns will Devin Hester…
now that we have Marshall and we know Floyed wont be there (progected as a top 10 pick now i belive) where do we go with the number 19 pick I think we have to go with the best DE available almost no matter what. i know idoniege did a decent job on the other side of pepers but we need more production from that side