Important stuff will go here one day.
Salmon Tartares
1. Chop 1 avocado into small pieces and mix it with a little bit of lemon juice, salt, and pepper. 2. Slice 1 cucumber into thin pieces. 3. Chop 100g of smoked salmon into small pieces and mix them with a little bit of lemon juice. 4. In a metal ring, put first the avocado into a layer. Make sure there are no holes. Then…
Dello's Chocolate Protein Pancakes
(Makes 9 pancakes) Ingredients: - 2 scoops of chocolate protein (I used ISO 100 dymatize- gourmet chocolate) - 1 egg - 1/2 cup of dry oats - 1 tsp baking powder - 1.5 Tbsp ground cinnamon - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 1/3 ripe banana - 3/4 cup of milk (I used vetal milk) Method: 1. Squash the banana in a big bowl 2. Add the…
Healthy delecious easy pancakes
وصفه صحيه لذيذه لپانكيك انا اكلها بعد التمرين كل واحد يضبط الكميات حسب حاجته Blend: 120g cottage cheese 3 egg whites (120g) 1 egg yolk (20g) Half Banana (50g) 45g oats 1 tablespoon vanilla whey protein (optional) وبعدها في مقله تطبخون ربع كوب من الخلطه كل مره وبالعافيه