Important stuff will go here one day.
game on !
today’s GAME ON challenge is if you use the microwave at any time today you must do squats( or run in place or march with high knees you pick ) the entire time its heating...GAME ON!!!
game on !
today’s challenge is Single Leg Glute Bridge( try to do at least 20 on each side or as many as you can)
game on !
today’s challenge is 25 push ups from > keykey 48
game on !
not sure if anyone is still interested in playing GAME ON but if you are today’s challenge is do one plank and hold as long as you can!!
game on !
squats for 30 seconds while brushing your teeth (I actually do this), if you went over your calorie goal yesterday 10 burpees, if you did not eat a vegetable yet today 20 situps.....>jce62108....GAME ON!!!
game on !
today’s challenge is from jacleepin>Do 10- 30 second core clenches. Stand. Clench butt, suck in stomach, activate thighs, and hold for 30 seconds.
game on !
>jce62108 GAME ON! If you didn't exercise yet today, hit the floor and give me 50 crunches! If you did exercise, I'll be nice and ask for 20. ;)
game on !
does anyone want to play a silly fun fitness game...its cool if you don’t... we can make it up as we go.... kinda like simon says and if you don’t want to do that challenge you can just say pass... if interested click like and comment:)