Important stuff will go here one day.
My goodness, Mark Bittman, NYT, copying me???
Hahaha, I'm laughing of course. There is an article that I just saw from 7-7-14 NYT, all about tofu. Not copying me, of course, merely happenstance. I had my tofu tonight for dinner, this time with sliced mushrooms and sliced ginger, and a side of green beans picked from my garden, very fresh and delicious. My dear Marcia…
dinner last night, crispy hoison tofu with broccoli
About 2/5 of a block of tofu - put the remainder in a nice covered container of water to store in refrigerator - I sliced my piece in half, patted it dry and also wrapped it in a tea towel for an hour to dry it but if I were in a hurry I'd skip the tea towel step, and just pat dry. frying pan - heated about a tablespoon of…
8 grams of protein for a 3 oz. serving
Tofu is the perfect food, high in protein, tastes excellently the same as the rest of the dish, and NO MURDER of little animalitas involved.
so easy to store
Just put it in a bowl of water, store it in the refrigerator - it lasts forever practically.
So delicious
Just this very evening, I made my recipe called Possibly My Favorite Tofu Dish With Onions, Mushrooms (crimini, white, and S h i taki), Ginger, Spinach. It also has a little olive oil, some fish sauce, some soy sauce, a tiny piece of butter, a serrano pepper. A bag of spinach is heaped on at the end, cooks down to nothing.…