Welcome to the 30 day ab challenge! Here is a link if you want any extra info or if you need some help with completing a safe and efficient crunch, leg raise, sit up or plank. http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-abs-challenge/ Take care to do the exercise in a safe manor so you dont strain your back or your neck. Here…
Hello Fitness Challengers! Here is the link for the beach body challenge - enjoy! http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-beach-body-challenge/
For legs and tummy this is the one for you! :) http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-ab-squat-challenge/
Here is the link for the 30 day PLANK challenge :) http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-plank-challenge/ [img][/img]
Take on the LBD challenge for an all over work out! http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-little-black-dress-challenge/
Nice and simple folks. Nothing complicated just pure and simple sit ups! No equipment required, can do any time any place :) http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/30-day-sit-up-challenge/