Important stuff will go here one day.
Weight Loss and Acne
Anyone gain acne as they lost weight?
Is it possible...
to experience a long streak of "bad face days" with lots of acne, while changing your lifestyle? I'm getting a lot of that with my changes in habits, although my external skincare steps haven't changed. Is this normal? if not, what can I do besides asking my dermatologist? Thanks so much!:smile:
Articles on Diet and Acne
Here's an article (news) from the American Academy of Dermatology: It didn't mention omega 3, states the link w/ dairy is still "weak." The highest amount of evidence so far is for acne and foods with a…
Omega 6:Omega 3 Ratio
This seems to be the easiest first step for me. Easier than eating less high glycemic foods, and dairy. Yikes. Here's why it's a thing: "Since acne is marked by inflammation, another aspect of the Western diet that could contribute is the high prevalence of inflammatory PUFAs, and the imbalance between O6 and O3 PUFAs. In…
Acne treatments that did you wrong
What's your motivation for using diet to treat your acne over other types of treatments? Here's my acne history: Birth Control: completely solved acne- gained weight. Twice!! It has really been a cycle. Had acne, went on birth control (prescribed my dermatologist), acne went away! Yay! Gained weight. Boo. Went off birth…
My son's experience
I won't be joining the group permanently. I don't have acne, but my son did when he was in his teens. He had a terrible case. I took him to a naturopath who tested him for allergies and found out he was allergic to wheat, eggs, and dairy to varying degrees. For a month, he was not allowed to eat any of these things. Then…
Omega 6:Omega 3 Ratio- one more article
Great read: So, eating fish twice a week (see previous post for a list of high omega 3/ low mercury level fish). This is my goal for this week! Plus to add in some of the other foods on the omega3 list such as flax seed, walnuts, brussel sprouts?? It's been awhile but…
Good article from Paleo point of view
This may be a good place to start. Discuss!