Hi Everyone, I have been thinking about how we can support one an other on the "move" part of this deal. I would be willing to organize a walking/jogging meet up on Saturdays or Sundays if anyone is interested. (after I get back from Sedona on 2/27) You go whatever distance is good for you at whatever pace is good for you.…
Your Backup Brain "There's a "second brain" in your stomach. It influences your mood, what you eat, the kinds of diseases you get, as well as the decisions you make. And you thought it was all in your head!" http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201110/your-backup-brain
ow have you moved today and how much? i have taken the dog out for a walk(1hr), jogged 7k(55 mins) and walked uphill and down hill as a warm up and cool down at the gym. altogether 1000 cals burnt off :)