Week 4
Well I started week 4 today and did much better than I thought I would that being said burpees suck along with planks, TO GO EVERYONE WE"RE ALMOST DONE....WHOOT WHOOT
I would love to hear what everyone's results were. I can tell that I'm stronger but I'm quite disheartened because I basically lost no inches. No weight lost, but I'm not really looking for that.
Day 1
well today was day 1 more me!!! a little after mid-night, but I'm glad I got it done! also combined it with my 30DS, still have 13 days left :S It's going to be a fun fun next 2 weeks of combining workouts! woohoo
cant do them together!!!
i tried the 6week6pack dvd right after the ripped in thirty and couldn't do it....i think ill do the ripped in 30 in the mornings and the 6week6pack during the kids' naptime!! :sick:
I just started ripped in 30 today!!
Borrowed my friend's ripped in 30 and my six week six pack is coming in the mail! i had done 30ds and gained strength as well as lost some inches...not too many lbs...took a break and did some tae bo along with my exercise bike. i'm ready to define and lose some more inches!!
DAY 30
WHOO HOO!!!!!!!....I'm officially done Ripped in 30....Congratulations to ALL OF US that hung in there....let's give ourselves a round of APPLAUSE.:smile:
I'm a loser
I still have not started week 2! I am terrible at sticking with it this time. I am doing Turbo Fire and wanted to do this too but don't have it in me to do them both. I am gonna try to do level 2 this week.
any late starters?
I am still on Week one, and think I am going to stay on it another week. If someone plans on doing the same, perhaps we can encourage one another.
Week 3
well I started WK3 today (and I think I'm going to do 8 days each for wks 3 & 4 and that will give me a total of 30 days) gotta love tricep dips (not)....anyway KEEP UP ALL THE HARD WORK...hope your all seeing results :smile:
Day 14
wow can't believe I'm half done. tomorrow I start week 3.i watched week 3 after my workout today it doesn't look too bad..i will find out tomorrow how i