Important stuff will go here one day.
Listing food intake & home excess outtake
INTAKE I have to carry a notepad & post-it near fridge so I don't miss or hide anything making its way into my mouth. OUTTAKE I got a notepad & made an index page listing each room in house. I have a page for each room. When I'm in time waisted mode (waiting in line, taking buses,watching tv, etc.) I add things that can go…
Is it time to grow up?
Today I turn 46 yrs. Ouch!!! I had time to reflect and decided what I need to do this year. I want to lose 46 lbs off me & 46 boxes & bags out the house. That end weight would be healthy for me. I guess its about 1lb & 1 box/ week. Worst case scenario I don't achieve it. I would still be in a better place & better body.…
Give me YOUR Gift Wish List
#3 Make a list of what GIFTS YOU want for YOU at Chrismas, Valentines, Easter, Mother's or Father's, etc. Add & Eliminate as time goes by. Give people a hint. Add cheap, moderate & expensive prices stuff to that list. If you don't know what you want you'll get whatever. Whatever can be nice and thoughtful, but usually you…
Feng Shui!
Feng Shui is such a wonderful way to get your outside world in shape. How helpful if we to use the same methods to get our physical in shape. I have thought about this topic many,many times. It is so wonderful when we declutter our surroundings. And how is the body any different? One of the methods I use to declutter my…