Week 1-4. Starting small! All about EXERCISE!
Week 1's goal is to get up and exercise. The goal of this is to be completely utterly amazingly honest with every single person... but especially yourself! We are going to start today, and go to next Saturday..... (we will do Saturday to Saturday challenges, for now anyways.). Here it is.... Work out for at least 30…
I Did IT!
I went to a circuit training boot camp class this morning weighing in at 353 lbs! I DID it though! Had to make a FEW modifications but that is it! WAHOOOOO!
Where is everyone?
I am just checking the group posts, in the groups i belong to and noticed no-one has posted in this group for quite awhile. Is this group going to get up and going? Lets keep supporting each other. I recently set my ticker back to 0, and am getting a fresh start, could us some support and hopefully can offer some support.…
If you have some ideas for what types of things we could do... leave them here :) I'm thinking of like a biggest loser type thing.... but yeah.. TOO MANY IDEAS running around in my head!
I'm so excited! Introduce yourselves!!!
I'm so excited to see all the new members :) I'm going to start. My name is Lily. I have been married for a little more than 6 months... have been with the guy for 4 years. We have a dog, her name is Jezebelle, and she is my life! :) I am a substitute teacher looking for a full time teaching job! I LOVE what I do, and…